Visual Studio 2017 For Mac Debug Operation Failed
Unable to debug on Visual Studio 2017 Mac (Sierra 10.12.4 Beta) #10279. This fixed it for me, in Visual Studio for Mac: Download https. Debugger operation failed. Fail to install visual studio 2017 for mac. Installer feature is planned for future versions of Visual Studio for Mac. Visual studio 2017 installation failed.
I can't debug any.NetCore project (console, web). Same issue for netcoreapp1.0 an 1.1. NetCore 2.0 I can't try, because I'm using ElCaptain on ma Mac. Project build successful, but on 'Start Debugging' popup message 'Debugger operation failed' - Synchronous operation cancelled! I have installed latest NetCore SDK installed (dotnet-dev-osx-x64.1.1.7.pkg) and lates VS 7.3.3.
Hi, I proced this steps • ran VS • opened Solution 'NetCore11WebEmpty1' • ran with Debug (error) • closed Solution • opened Solution 'NetCore10ConsApp1' • ran with Debug (error) • closed Solution • closed VS log of this is attached I see cause now. Dyld: Symbol not found: _clock_gettime Referencedfrom: /Applications/Visual (which was built for Mac OS X 10.12) Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib ERROR [2018-01-31 08:51:51Z]: Debugger operation failed System.OperationCanceledException: Synchronous operation cancelled! Debugger is build for 10.12 and I have 10.11.
But VS requirentments are • macOS Sierra 10.12: Community, Professional a Enterprise • Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11: Community, Professional a Enterpris. Yes, solution for me was downgrade to latest 15.4 release (Visual Studio for Mac 7.2) I download and netcoreapp1.0/1.1 projects debugging works well on macOS 10.11. But there is not fixed bug (Fixed from VS and I must change macOS system language to English. Please fix System VS for Mac requirenmets info page, that works on macOS 10,11 only partialy and NetCore (ALL versions, including older 1.0/1.1 are NOT supported by VS). I know, that NetCore SDK 2.0 required macOS 10.12, but NetCore SDK 1.0/1.1 works on macOS 10.11 well.
I've hit an odd issue when attempting to debug a project in Visual Studio 2017. The debug session launches and the development environment immediately crashes. This is happening about 3 times out of 5. The solution launches in debug without error in VS 2015.
There are three events raised at the time of the crash. Any ideas what may be causing this? Thanks.NET Runtime Log Name: Application Source:.NET Runtime Date: 11:07:00 Event ID: 1026 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: -- Description: Application: devenv.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
In such a case, you can turn on the Autosave feature in Microsoft Word/Excel to automatically save documents being edited at a certain time interval to minimize/prevent data loss if the application is unexpectedly closed. How to turn on and set Autosave in Microsoft Word/Excel 2016 Both in Word and in Excel, the steps are the same. Now this post will describe. Below I will use Microsoft Word 2016 as an example. Turn on autosave in excel.
Hi xcolin, Welcome to the MSDN forum. >> This is happening about 3 times out of 5. Do you mean this crash issue occasionally occur, not always happen for this solution? Does other solution meet this issue or not? If only this solution has this issue, it seems this issue more relates to your current project. If not, it may be caused by VS 2017.
Please have a try with the following to troubleshot this issue: • Clear all folders and files under the folder:%LocalAppData% Microsoft VisualStudio 15.0_xxx and restart the VS 2017 to check it again. • Delete the hidden.vs folder under this solution store folder, clean this solution to try it again • Open CMD as administrator and navigate to the VS 2017 installation folder like C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 versioname Common7 IDE and run the command: devenv /safemode to check if the installed extensions caused this issue. • Click Start and scroll down to the Visual Studio 2017 folder, expand it, run the ‘Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017’ as administrator and run the command: devenv /resetuserdata to test. • Re-run the VS 2017 installer as administrator and click the icon beside the ‘Launch’ button and choose ‘Repair’ to repair VS 2017.
Best regards, Sara MSDN Community Support Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' the responses that resolved your issue, and to click 'Unmark as Answer' if not. This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. If you have any compliments or complaints to MSDN Support, feel free to contact Hi Colin, Thank you for your update. >>We are only observing crashes with one particular solution. It works fine with VS 2015 and other solutions are running in debug mode fine with VS 2017. It seems this issue is more relates to your current solution, please go to File>New>Project>Other Project Types, and create a new blank solution and add existing project under your current solution one by one to check which specific project caused this issue.