Sumo Paint For Mac

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  1. Download Sumo Paint For Free

[ Editor's note: The following review is part of Macworld's GemFest 2009 series. Every day until the end of June 2009, the Macworld staff will use the Mac Gems blog to briefly cover a favorite free or low-cost program. Visit the Mac Gems homepage for a list of past Mac Gems.] You could pay $700 for a professional image-editing program like ( Macworld rated 4 out of 5 mice ), but if you're not a photo or graphics pro, it would likely be overkill. Check out Sumo Paint, a free Web-based, Photoshop-inspired image editor and creator that offers many similar graphics-editing tools and inspiring paint tools, first.

Sumo Paint is one of a few self-contained online image editing sites that boasts its own in-house community in addition to its image design, creation and photo editing features. It has a vast palette of tools to choose from and has more shape and layering choices than other paint-oriented image. Download sumo paint 2006 for free. Design & Photo downloads - Sumo Paint by Sumo Ltd. And many more programs are available for instant and free download. Sumo Paint Mac Software Pro Paint for Mac v.3.35 Paint for Mac Pro version is the realistic digital Mac paint program that is used to edit image, vector graphic design, free-form transformation, add filters, crop, alpha channel edit and more to paint on Mac.

Let's say you've used Photoshop before but you can't afford your own copy. You should feel right at home with Sumo Paint, as many of its tools and palettes work like Photoshop's.

A couple of caveats: some tools aren't available, and some aren't as in-depth. You can create a new document or open files from your Mac, a Web page, or your Sumo account (you'll need one to save layered images); the app displays within your Web browser, letting you work and save projects much like you would on your own desktop. Any connection speed and browser that supports at least Flash 9 should work. For image editing, Sumo Paint offers many Photoshop standbys, including layer support, image adjustment tools (levels, color balance, and so on), blending options, layer effects (such as shadows, glows, and bevels), filters (including distortion effects, sharpening, and blur), a magic wand, and tools to transform and rotate layers, lasso selections, clone sections, draw, paint, add text, and more. Sumo Paint is also a gifted graphics and painting app, packing in some interesting shape tools, cool brushes (the basics, plus fun stuff--like 3-D brushes and animated ones), and a Symmetry feature that makes designing elements easy. Explore the Gravity option for some intriguing effects.

There's also a nifty Curve tool, which works something like a simplified Pen tool, helping you shape rounded objects and corners more easily. Sumo Paint isn't perfect: it works only with JPEGs, PNGs, and GIFs and saves only in JPEG or PNG format.

Download Sumo Paint For Free

I experienced some quirkiness with certain tools and layers, and the Text tool won't let you edit copy once you lay it down. That said, Sumo Paint is a great free option for fixing photos, designing graphics, and painting, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Want to stay up-to-date with the latest Gems? Sign up for the Mac Gems newsletter for a weekly e-mail summary of Gems reviews sent directly to your inbox. You can also follow MacGems on Twitter. Our 186-page Mac Gems Superguide is a veritable greatest hits of Mac Gems. It's available as a PDF download, PDF on CD-ROM, or as a printed book.

All-in-one system utility for mac. Learn more about the Mac Gems Superguide. [ Kris Fong is a freelance writer.] This story, 'Sumo Paint' was originally published.