Bookmark Expand Collapse Word For Mac

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Working with Bookmarks A bookmark is a type of link with representative text in the navigation panel. Each bookmark in. To expand and collapse the bookmark hierarchy: 1. Click the plus sign (+) (Windows) or the horizontal triangle. Edit > Delete (Windows) or Clear (Mac OS), and then click OK. Feb 20, 2017  How to Expand and Collapse in Microsoft Word. Make sure that it is not within the bookmark area. Create a field by typing Ctrl-F9. Alternatively you can use the 3rd-party Word add-in More Addin with which you can add collapse/expand segments to your document with one click. Edit Related wikiHows. In this article, we are going to offer you 2 smart ways to collapse or expand parts of your Word document. Every now and then, have you wonder how wonderful it would be if you can collapse a certain range of document to view two nonconsecutive parts? Battlegrounds player unknown for mac If you aren't familiar with it, these articles are quite useful - they use Win Word as a model but the features are virtually identical in Mac Word. Apparently you're familiar with both so you should have no problem. More is an exceptional MS Word add-in for creating collapsibles, i.e, option for collapsing and expanding the content in the document. It supports both Word 2007 and Word 2010, offering a wide range of complementary features and tools to assist users in creating/inserting.

  1. Pages For Mac

Word for Office 365 Word 2019 Word 2016 Word 2013 When you’re working on a long, complicated document, you can collapse everything except the part you want to focus on. Or, if you think you might be overloading your readers with too much information, you can display summaries and leave it to your readers to open the summary and read the details if they want. The ability to collapse and expand content in your document is based on its outline level. You can quickly add an outline level and make part of your document collapsible. After applying the heading style, you’ll see a small triangle when you move your cursor over the heading. Click the triangle to collapse the body text and subheadings below it. Tip: If you’re working on a touch device, tap to place your cursor in the heading to see the triangle.

Bookmark Expand Collapse Word For Mac

Pages For Mac

Click the triangle again to expand that part of the document. To collapse or expand all the headings in your document, right-click the heading and click Expand/Collapse > Expand All Headings or Collapse All Headings. When you close and reopen a document, the headings will be expanded by default. If you want the document to open with the headings collapsed, follow these steps. • Place your cursor in the heading. • On the Home tab, click the arrow in the Paragraph group. • In the Paragraph dialog box, click the checkbox next to Collapsed by default.